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You’re probably looking for our statement of faith.

Here’s the thing.

We’re not a church.

We’re not a 501C3.

We are family across regions and denominations

creating spaces for people to encounter Jesus,

explore their faith, and form relationships.

We’ve chosen not to have a faith statement because

we are an organic group of people.

We exist to magnify Jesus, not our beliefs.

We welcome people of all different beliefs.

Because the purpose for our existence is not to debate or instruct.

Jesus didn’t require people to believe the same way before he entered into relationship with them.

Neither do we.

We trust that as you encounter Jesus at TBP, God will give you exactly what you need.

Whether that’s healing from trauma.

A community to belong in.

Course correction.

Immense love and acceptance.

Whatever it is, our role is just to create the space,

invite Jesus in,

and invite you to behold Him with us.

And if you need more resources on your journey,

we’d love to connect you to someone who has them.

The Beholding Project exists so that one day we won’t have to exist.

This is why we call it a “project.”

Still need some sort of compass?

Our team members that regularly facilitate gatherings

and lead worship share the common thread

of beliefs aligning with the Apostles’ Creed.

We hope you’ll come see what the fuss is all about.